Frequently Asked Questions
What is Voluntary NFT Register of Works ~ VolReg?

Voluntary NFT Register of Works is a Polygon blockchain based NFT minting and marketplace decentralized system for help to prove and trade the property / copyright (work or art).


In principle, copyright protection shall belong to the person who created the individual and original work, who the author is. However, in some cases authorship can be difficult to prove, as the name of the author might not be shown on the work. The voluntary register of works offers a solution for these issues. The rightholder can register the work with minting the NFT token to the blockchain (registration).

By virtue of copyright protection, the author shall have the exclusive right to use his entire work or an identifiable part thereof in any tangible or intangible form and to authorise each and every such use. Legal disputes regarding copyright − like existence of copyright protection, infringement of copyrights or question of authorship - shall be settled by the court.

As copyright protection is not a registered right, in case of a legal dispute all facts and circumstances related to the work should be proven before the court. The entry of the work into the voluntary register at Polygon blockchain base Voluntary NFT Register of Works and Arts following the creation can help the author in this matter.

The certificate grants neither copyright nor any other title of protection related to intellectual creations. It only serves as a means of evidence to prove that the work or subject matter of related rights entered into the voluntary register as the applicant‚s own creation existed with the same contents as those of the copy of the work attached to the certificate on the date of issue of the certificate, and that the owner recognized it as his own creation.

Properties are entered into the voluntary register at Polygon blockchain base Voluntary NFT Register of Works decentralized system.

Why should I register my work?

Because it is a safe, effective way to prove authorship and priority of your work, allowing you, the author, to defend your rights. Many countries, including Berne Convention signatories, recommend registering your work as a way of guaranteeing greater legal protection of an author's rights regarding his or her work.

Registration does not confer authorship of a work, because authorship is the result of a work's creation, regardless of formalities*. However, without a doubt, registration provides the author with strong legal proof that he or she is the author of that work.

It is worthwhile emphasizing that WIPO recognizes the registration of a work as a facilitating instrument, for example, in issues involving dispute of authorship, financial transactions, sales and the transfer of rights.

* Some countries, such as Uruguay, Nicaragua and Panama, also demand the registration of works in their respective, related agencies to ensure author's rights to their works, even though this runs contrary to the Berne Convention to which these countries are signatories. Many specialists attribute this demand to the questionable association of copyright law to industrial property law.

Which kind of works protected?
Voluntary NFT registration protects works of artistic creation, as well as documents in general. Thus, the following works are subject to copyright protection, as examples:
  • Literary works: books, ebooks, short or long texts, phrases and quotes.
  • Musical works: lyrics, melodies or arrangements (presented in recordings, scores, chords, tablatures, etc.).
  • Visual arts works: drawings, illustrations, photographs, sculptures, paintings, prints, maps, crafts, design of any kind, etc.
  • Audiovisual works: films or videos of any length, theatrical or choreographic presentations, computer presentations, scripts, etc.
  • Technical works: architectural projects, cad, databases structures, etc.
  • Software works: source code of programs or mobile applications in any kind of programing language.
  • Nonspecific works or documents.
Where store my file?
Files stored via fully decetralized InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system. IPFS uses content-addressing to uniquely identify each file in a global namespace connecting all computing devices. Voluntary NFT Register of Works NFT store the file and meta-data unique identify string and also the secured salted sha256 cheksum to validate the file content. Now all the uploaded file will be public, but in the near future you can select the file privacy mode, therefor other user cannot access to your work or art. If you are interested in this feature, please contact us!
How to encrypt my file?
Compress and encrypt file
tar cz folder_to_encrypt | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -e > out.tar.gz.enc

Decompress and decode file

openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -in out.tar.gz.enc | tar xz
How to use this VolReg web 3.0 page?
What is the difference compared to other NFT?

VolReg NFT contains an extra file security checksum in order to eliminate the theoretical possibilities of counterfeiting. This security cheksum can be verified in the validate page. The main CID/cheksum data stored in the Ethereum L2 Polygon blockchain. In the near future also you can set your file to private, which combines the benefits of private content with public credibility. However, the content is freely tradable.

How to validate my or other people property?
  • First you need the NFT cheksum string. Only the NFT owner can download / copy to clipboard this checksum and share other people.
  • After that you can use this checksum string in the validate page in order to view the property status and more details.
Why should I use Voluntary Register of Works?

In principle, copyright protection shall belong to the person who created the individual and original work, who the author is. However, in some cases authorship can be difficult to prove, as the name of the author might not be shown on the work. The voluntary register of works offers a solution for these issues. The rightholder can register the work with minting the NFT token to the blockchain (registration).

By virtue of copyright protection, the author shall have the exclusive right to use his entire work or an identifiable part thereof in any tangible or intangible form and to authorise each and every such use. Legal disputes regarding copyright − like existence of copyright protection, infringement of copyrights or question of authorship - shall be settled by the court.

As copyright protection is not a registered right, in case of a legal dispute all facts and circumstances related to the work should be proven before the court. The entry of the work into the voluntary register at Polygon blockchain base Voluntary NFT Register of Works and Arts following the creation can help the author in this matter.

The certificate grants neither copyright nor any other title of protection related to intellectual creations. It only serves as a means of evidence to prove that the work or subject matter of related rights entered into the voluntary register as the applicant‚s own creation existed with the same contents as those of the copy of the work attached to the certificate on the date of issue of the certificate, and that the owner recognized it as his own creation.

What is the price?

The minting price depend on the file size and the actual price of MATIC token eg.:

  • <1 MB: 2 MATIC ~$0
  • >1 MB: 4 MATIC ~$0
  • >10 MB: 6 MATIC ~$0
  • >100 MB: 8 MATIC ~$0
  • >500 MB: Please contact us for custom price!

+transaction fee ~0.000086 MATIC ~$0

The system automatically calculate the price, what is show above the CREATE DIGITAl ASSET 

Other costs:

  • Change the NFT publicity: 1 MATIC ~$0
  • Delegate your NFT token to the public market : 2 MATIC ~$0

+VolReg listing price 3% of the selling price
+transaction fee ~0.000086 MATIC ~$0